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10 students from

UCI, UCLA, and UC Davis



Tomatin, Honduras



About 44 inhabited homes 


Major Industry

Bean and Corn Farming 



20,000 lempiras towards

bean storage & bank capital


Cost of Brigade = $1,510

In-country costs ($750) + Airfare ($760)

     "I will never forget my experience in Tomatin. On the first day of the brigade, the bank members greeted us with smiles and songs and I instantly felt like a part of the community. Over the next couple of days, families welcomed us into their homes and we sat there for hours, listening to their life stories and future aspirations. I came to respect their hard work and determination and was excited to help them reach their goals. My favorite part of the brigade was interacting with the children. They laughed at my broken Spanish but we were still able to understand each other and have fun. During our free time, I looked forward to playing soccer with them and listening to their endless giggles. I smile every time I see our pictures and hope to return one day."

~~Cherish Corpuz


JUNE 2013


13 students from

UCI and Queens University



Guaricayan, Honduras



About 36 inhabited homes


Major Industry

Chicken Farming 



28,000 lempiras towards

chicken operation & bank capital


Cost of Brigade = $1,550

In-country costs ($750) + Airfare ($800)

     "My first microfinance brigade is an experience that I still look back on. Along with twelve other students, I had the chance to personally interact with community members of Guaricayan as we went door to door asking them about possible business ideas. I went in with the mindset of helping the adults in the community with their bank, but my favorite part of the brigade was interacting with the children. We played board games that taught them to save their money for necessary items and other basic finances. During our down time we played jump rope and interacted with the kids on a personal level. My all-time favorite activity was helping them prepare a lemonade stand so each kid can start their own saving account. From time to time I remember one three year-old girl, named Zoe, who I wish I can go back and visit." 

~~Sonam Malhotra


JUNE 2014

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